• The world is in a new era of global challenges – the pandemic, a deepening climate emergency, and many economic shocks. Effective partnering, that is country owned, focused on results, includes all partners, and is transparent, is a compass for using local, national and global resources in the best possible way for the fastest and most sustainable impact as we look to achieve the SDGs.


  • Official development assistance (ODA) was the highest in 2020, yet it remains inadequate to meet rising needs everywhere. Other development actors can play a crucial role here. Multilateral development banks and the private sector, by aligning additional financing such as non-concessional loans and blended finance with national development priorities, can effectively mobilize and utilize additional resources.


  • The UN Secretary General in Our Common Agenda has called for a new global deal to protect the global commons and deliver global public goods. The way we deliver these i.e. through strengthened country systems with inclusive and effective partnerships at country level matters.


  • Evidence from recent country-led dialogues on how to scale up effective partnerships (Global Partnership ‘Action Dialogues’), including dialogues on how to engage the private sector more effectively through the Kampala Principles, has shown that country-owned partnerships are essential moving forward.


  • Financing is also essential to build resilient, country systems with data and statistical capacities to monitor progress of these partnerships so we can more effectively deliver for those furthest behind and most impacted, particularly in LDCs, LLDCs, SIDs and fragile and conflict-affected states. In 2023, a renewed Global Partnership monitoring will be launched which recognizes the importance of LNOB and to that end plans for monitoring the inclusion of all actors in development activities, use of national data and statistics, and the ability of those systems to track LNOB.