Does 'effective' development co-operation really deliver development? What can research tell us?




As part of the Action Area 1.1 on Demonstrating the Impact of Effectiveness and of its Webinar Series, the Global Partnership is hosting an informal discussion to (re-)engage the research community on the issues of if and how the adherence of development co-operation to the principles of effectiveness delivers better development impact.  The Global Partnership wishes to explore whether the establishment of programme aid modalities, such as basket funding mechanisms, sector wide approaches and budget support at sector and exchequer levels and the associated dialogue and co-ordination mechanisms have resulted in measurably better development outcomes and, if so, what has enabled them to be successful.

The objective of the webinar is to initiate a conversation between researchers and policy makers that will:

  • increase mutual learning and exchange on when and why effective development co-operation works;
  • promote a shared understanding of the new and enduring gaps and challenges to effective development co-operation; and
  • explore ways to overcome these challenges and translate evidence into action and effectiveness into impact, as we respond to the impact COVID-19 crisis and deliver Agenda 2030.

Discussion during the webinar will focus on the following questions:

  1. What key research questions need to be explored to understand the relationship between implementing the effectiveness principles and improving development outcomes?
  2. Are researchers interested in exploring these questions and how can interest be stimulated to produce a robust evidence base on the impact of effectiveness?
  3. What research institutions are best placed to contribute? How can researchers and research institutions from partner countries be effectively involved?
  4. How can research products become more influential and better inform decision-making on development co-operation policies and practice?