The OECD's International Development Statistics (IDS) online databases cover bilateral, multilateral aid (ODA) and private providers’ aid and other resource flows to developing countries.

For a full list of these databases and more, click here.

The OECD data are presented under three sub-themes:

  • Flows by provider”, which provides comprehensive aggregate data on the volume, origin and types of aid and other resource flows;
  • Flows by provider and recipient”, which provides comprehensive aggregate historical and forward-looking data on the volume, origin and destination of resource flows (including country programmable aid);
  • Flows based on individual projects (CRS)”. The Creditor Reporting System (CRS) provides detailed information on individual aid activities, such as sectors, countries, project descriptions etc. used to derive aggregate data.

There are two ways to access OECD international development statistics, QWIDS and OECD.Stat.

The OECD collects and publishes ODA data throughout the year: